Live every moment like it's your last.
When you actually think about it, and stop moaning about how the lunar new year was just over and now its reindeers and santa all over again, a year is actually a damned long time. It's three hundred and sixty five days for bonds to be made or broken, rumours to be created or spread
and reputations to be lifted or sunk. And as the days crawl deceptively by, you look back and realised that your existence as a friend, a teammate, or a lover has already been slowly but surely, forgotten. One year back, everybody's probably tearing over seperation and I-will-never-find-another-friend/team/class/clique-as-good-as-yous but speed up a little, and you will see now how those good ol' times has already been shoved under all the new memories and new "good ol' times". Your name erased for new names to enter, your photos taken down to make space for the new people. No, I'm not being bitter, it's a fact of life. It's a cycle, everyone has to put up or shut up. The world doesn't stop functioning just because you're not there anymore.
And of course, you yourself probably forgotten half of the past too, or simply enjoyng the present too much to sit down and think. Your new friends are the loveliest bunch of people you have ever known, but wasn't it you who said the same thing about your secondary school friends two years ago? And what makes you think you will be saying the same thing about the same people a couple of years from now?
So here I say, treasure what you have now. Make it deep. Crape diem and all that pishposh. Because you never know where you might end up a year from now. Make it good while it last. Because once its over, things changed. You can never relieve those good ol' days anymore, all you are left to do is to reminsce. And bitter is always stronger in the bittersweet nostalgia you get when you recollect. Due to the fact that you can never live it all over again. You only get to live once, make every chapter a bestseller, make every line a quote. Make your book of life a frigging Harry Potter.