Saturday, July 29, 2006

Because of people like you.

I like licking melting icecream cones while strolling along busy streets with them. When the stars are in the sky and the crickets starts chirping, when we are supposed to be home completing assignments, and the amber roadlights bringing out the prohibited highlights in our hair. The feeling isn't exhiliration, nor is it laughing hysteria. Its just a fat lazy contented sensation you feel, a warmth in your heart and tummy.

Teetering at serenity but not quite.

A feeling of,
Everything's alright for now. As long as they are around me, I'm happy.

Its really assuaging for the peace of mind.

And now the venting.

YOU. You always struck me as an overtly shy and introverted girl. I never thought you were capable of such despicable selfishness. In case you did not noticed, the title is project work. Its something you do TOGETHER with group members, and accepting responsibility for your actions. Losing the file IS a big deal, no matter how you see it. The sweat and blood of your group mates are all accumulated in that. Their GRADES depended on that. So its really not a matter of simply over-reacting, or pettiness. They have every right to be mad, and you ought to find yourself lucky they didnt blow up. The least you could do is to search high and low for it, and NOT say, I'll look for it later, like its something insignificant and not worth your attention.

HELLO, wake up, the coffee's burning.

And you know what ticks me off the most? The fact that you didnt even apologize. Honey, you LOST the goddamned file, it wasn't stolen, and even it was, it still doesnt justify the absence of an apology. Is sorry the hardest word for you? Oh wait, every syllabus of the english language is excruciating for you isnt it? You let down your teammates and you watsed all the effort they put in. If that does not require an apology, than apologies should only be reserved for murderers to amend their sins. Get over your big fat ego, before you trip over yourself.

And your attitude towards Selene is really childish. She is right and you know it. You really should be hanging your head in shame, breaking your own rules. What, going around calling people petty because YOU lost the file and they (rightfully) panicked, when you stop speaking to selene just because she did not stood up for you? Talk about the proverbial pot. Get over yourself already, jackass. You know you deserve it.

Bahh. Some people are totally incorrigible.
I am so blessed to have terrific members.
Thank God for small favours.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Lucky Sevens

Since I was tagged by quite a few to do this, I shall.

7 Random Things About Myself.
1. I am very, very forgetful. I lost my wallet about 5 times and counting. I once left my Harry Potter and The Order Of the Phoenix in the theatre. Need I say more?
2. I love spontaniety, spur-of-the-moment decisions. They make life a little less routine.
3. I never fail to get constipation whenever I consume bananas. Ask my classmates, they should know.
4. I licked a condom before, on a dare. It tasted of mango and felt like slime, which I assumed is spermicide.
5. I get hysterical after consuming caffeine.
6. My name was a mistake made by the man filling up my birth certificate.
7. My mood changes according to my friends'.

7 Things That Scares Me.
1. Horror flicks. I've never watched a single one, and am not planning to, to my friends' consternation.
2. Losing loved ones.
3. Dark roads and lonely alleys at 11pm.
4. Creepy Crawlies.
5. Eating alone. (I would rather starve.)
6. Gruesome grisly bloody brutal scenes.
7. Nightmares that gets me up and gasping.

7 Random Songs Of The Moment.
1. Anastacia - At The Beginning
2. Augustana - Boston
3. Liz Phair - Why Can't I
4. Samantha Ronson - Built This Way
5. Nelly Furtado - Promiscious
6. Haley James Scott - Halo
7. MLTR - 25 mins ( i'm in a sappy mood )

7 Random Thoughts Of The Moment.
1. Its too bloody hot, what the hell is wrong with the weather.
2. I need a good icy shower.
3. My table looks like a wreck
4. I'm going to fail Econs tomorrow.
5. Lisda is going to get it from me tomorrow. ( I was chatting with her and she was trying to annoy the hell out of me and succeeding.)
6. Should I go swim?
7. God bless the soul of the one who invented air-conditioners.

7 Things That I like.
1. Making friends happy
2. Retail Therapy
3. Holidays
4. Tear-jerking romantic flicks
5. All my dears
6. The feeling of being loaded.
7. Pleasant surprises

7 People To Do This.
1. Carolyn
2. Rhys
3. Eileen
4. Weiming
5. Khairyn
6. Rochester
7. You

The weather is a merciless bitch.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Who says its always about the mother.

She stared at the murky depths of her mother's mug, and wondered why coffee was brown.
Why coudn't it be red, yellow or blue? Pretty colours, in her opinion. But no, it has to an ugly brown, the nondescript brown of sodden leaves and boring grown-up's clothes. Her father used to don a shabby brown coat all the time, she vaguely recalled. But then again, it has been a long time she had last seen her father. She wondered if he knew she had gotten top marks in Arts and Crafts or that her hair is long enough to be manipulated into two pretty braids now, complete with bright pink bows.

Maybe if he knew, he wouldn't leave her and her mom that night, she thought sadly.

She still remembers her father's big bear hugs, the tight warm squeeze that she waited eagerly for every evening when he returns from work. She used to savour every moment in his embrace, the strong solid arms and deep chuckle that issues out of his broad chest as he held her close to him, his familiar scent wafting around both of them, how she pines for the smell of it now, the intriguingly tantalizing mixture of coffee, smoke, rain and cologene. Her father's scent.
The house smells stark now, as she sniff the air, as though hoping that the scent would materialize from her thoughts.

Katty Kat. Her father's pet name for her, her full name is Catherine Elizabeth Fuller, she had always primly reminded him. But he would always yank on her curls gently and tease, "but you're my Katty Kat. And you always will be."

Well, is she still his Katty Kat now? She wonders. She wonders about many things regarding her dad. She wonders if he still buys Kit-Kats whenever he walk past the old newsstand around the corner, they used to do that all the time when they go on their weekly strolls, one of her favourite things to do. She walks alone now, tottering along the broken sidewalks, avoiding the sharp curbs like how her father used to remind her, but she never bought a Kit-Kat by herself. It doesn't feel right, to buy a Kit-Kat without her father. Her mother bought her some from the grocery store once, but they never tasted as good. She told her mom that, and it made her mother broke down and cry. She never dared mention it again.

It was raining heavily outside. She glanced through the kitchen window, the rain was slashing against the panes and making an awful din, but she didn't mind. She wasn't allowed to scream, shout or throw tantrums, so she always pretended that God was helping her to vent by unleashing the torrent of rain whenever she was angry. And she always felt better after it.
Well, almost always, she amended.

The days following her father's leave was filled with anger and tears. Her mother was always breaking down and swilling out of the many glass bottles in the cabinet that she was not allowed to touch. Her mood swung from heartwrenching sadness to roaring fury very quickly. She was frightened, and did not dare incur her mother's wrath by crying or screaming. She often wish for the angry rain, so at least she knew that God was watching and helping. It came a couple of times, and she felt comforted, as though the rain made His prescence almost palphable. But sometimes, her tears wouldn't listen and coursed down her cheeks. After that, she would scrub herself with the wash towel so hard that she was raw-pink all over, so her mother wouldn't suspect that she has been crying and beat her again. Her mother's slaps hurt really badly.

Why did her father leave? Oh! How many times she had asked herself that question. Was it because she did not do her dishes after dinner that night? Or was it because she did not get a star on her math test? If he would only return, she will gladly do the dishes every night and get a star, no TWO stars on every test. But he did not. And deep inside her, she has a funny feeling she will never see him again, but she always try to ignore it, because thinking of it makes her tears come.

Her mother shouted, snapping her out of her reverie. She hopped off the stool and went to her, but not before taking one last look out the window, at the pouring rain, hoping her friend upstairs could her her make this pain in her heart go away.

A story. It has been too long since I last attempted to do one. This will seem very unpolished and dowdy. I'm sorry, but the vocabulary has rusted and the creative juices ran dry. I will need some time and practice to kick start the engine again. Hope it isn't too much of an eyesore for you readers.

Monday, July 10, 2006

You have my love.

I added another candle to the cake yesterday, turning a relatively insignificant seventeen. (Sweet sixteen sounds better and eighteen seems wilder, seventeen is kinda nondescript, somehwhere in between but not there yet. )

But the birthday was fabulous, and its time for me to park my ass on this bitch of a library's chair and give thanks.

Thank You (:

Thanks to Eils, Rui, Swu, KL, Cin, Joyce for the... should i say, mischievous gift. But it is very pretty and I will wear it nontheless. The cheeky fuschia of the garment is gorgeous, and as you know, which girl wouldn't adore pretty lingeries? And yes, I got the message you rascals were trying to tell with that card. Who wouldnt? The word SEX was certainly bold enough. You girls never failed to put a smile on my face, anytime and anyday. I look forward to two more years of sunshine and laughters with you loves around. Thank you for your gifts, and for just remembering. It means more than you will ever know. Hugs&Kisses.

Thanks to Jas, Ren, Ru, Vonnie & Joys for the lovely birthday treat. The food was delicious, but it was your company that made it so wonderful. Jas my dear, i'm really touched to know you came despite the high fever you were nursing, it means the world to me. And though you lied to me initially, but you made it up by coming and surprising me with the cake. Your frienship is priceless. Ru, you searched high and low for something suitable and yes, you got it! Thank you so so much for the gift voucher, how did you know I was pining for something from NewUrbanMale? You guys just know me best, I love the gift. And my love to Jieying, Xinying, Denise, Yvonne, Joyce who contributed to the present. Vonne and Joys, your company was awesome just as it is. REN, my long time buddy, we "supposedly" should've known each other since kindergarden, seeing how we are going to be in the same school for 14 years. Your gift was the icing on the cake, thanks for spending so so so much time and effort on the collage of memories. It must have taken you days and days to finish it. I'm going to frame it and hang it up in my room, proof of our solid friendship. (: It was fabulous catching up with you girls again, the long long chat we had that night was great. It feels so good to be talking to you people again. The words couldnt gush out fast enough and everybody was snatching an opening to yak. I miss that. Promise we will catch up soon. You know you girls are loved by me. (:

Thanks to BestFriend, for almost ruining my birthday intentionally by not calling or contacting me at all until sunday, where you surprised me at the family lunch at Sizzler's. Turns out you've been in cahoots with my mother, planning and plotting to get me. Laughs. Well, I couldnt blame you much can I? When you've made my birthday this year so very special again, ala last year's. It was the BEST, catching up with you after my family left, where we yakked at NYDC till the sun set. We wasted so much at NYDC, didnt we? All that ice cream and all that cake. Well, it was expected, we ordered so much for only two people. I reckoned the waitress wasn't very pleased. But my birthday ended perfectly, with you spending it with me. (: All my love, bestie. You know you're cherished.

Thanks to the four lovable idiots! The four I love the most; Lys, Adri, Ming and Flo. You know you darlings meant the world to me. And your video for me almost made me cry, ( the reason why I didnt is because it would look kind of dumb to shed tears in front of Mr.Bryan ) but whatthehey, you loves almost succeeded in getting me to cry lah. Happy now? Give yourself a pat on the back than. You know you people are why I come to school for. Hanging out with you is always a blast and never boring, the laughter and joy you brought me are infinite. I look forward to graduating together and going NUS together. Thank you so much for the sandals, I didnt know you guys took note than I wanted it! And here I am, a clueless moron, saving up moolahs to buy it together with Ming. Laughs, guess you're on your own, my dear. You people are seriously the SWEETEST and the video is so awesome! Lys my love, it means alot to me that you spent the time and effort to put it together. HUGS. The video is something I will keep forever and watch it when I'm feeling unloved, to remind me what a lucky bitch I am to have you dears in my life. Thank you for your friendship and your love. You know you're treasured beyond words. xoxos.

And a big heartfelt thank you to the people who remembered, and texted/called me in the dead of the night to wish me. I'm touched you guys remembered, as we might be not playing a part in each other lives now, but always know you affected mine in your own special way.

Its another fabulous, marvellous and memorable birthday this year. My 17th would never have been the same without you dears around. Thank you for making it special, forever etched in a corner of my mind and tucked precious in the heart. I love all of you so. (:


Tuesday, July 04, 2006

The Team.

Do you remember the CCA open house in year 2002? The sunny, noisy affair. The cacaphony of sounds; trumpets blaring from the school's band, the smart clipclops issuing from non-smiling NPCC/NCC-ians, the obnoxiously friendly hollars from a diversity of CCAs, urging you to put your name down on that black clipboard that they were brandishing about, telling you how red cross/choir/girl guides/dance/shaving your head (no i was just kididng)/volleyball can thoroughly benefit your life and turn you a better person.

How about;
The thud of a ball on cement, the swoosh through the net, the shrill chirps of the whistle?
Do you recall?

I do. (:
I still remember the number tag they made me wore around the waist to tell us freshies apart. I was labelled number six.

We met as strangers, and ended up as a tightly knitted team, ready for anything, anyone.It was awkward the first few months, with weak passes and shots that never goes in. Infuriating cross drills always gets on our nerves, that coupled with the blazing heat and a water break that never comes. It was trying.

The passes got better. The shots went in. We shared laughters, so much of that we had. We laughed at Karen, with her clowning around. We laughed at Xinying, her landing, her splits. We laughed at Rahila, her spectacular falls. We laughed at the poor bitch that gets the bucket full of iced water at the end of the training. Oh how we laughed.

We shed tears. We cried when we missed a shot at creating history for USS when we lost to RVH at the Quarter-Finals. So close, yet so far. We cried, when we almost lost Xinying after a match. Thank God for CPR and those inexplicable miracles. Fortunately, there wasnt much for us to shed tears about.

We triumped. We triumped against countless schools, countless teams. We triumped at the year-end carnival, 4th. The trophy is still basking in its pride at the top of my shelf. We triumped against MrLee. Against Zoey. Hey we lasted longer, didn't we? (;We triumped against that sun, against the cramps from Zoey's inhhuman crunches, against the sprains, against the scraps gotten from millions of pushups.

And we won, first, for four consecutive years for the annual Inter-CCA relay.
Unbeaten, unbroken. ( TRACK couldn't hold a candle to our girls. )

USS netballers Cgirls2002-2003.
We may not have the medals, but we sure as hell got the spirit.
My love for you girls, always & forever.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Lynnie tagged me.

Once you’ve been tagged, you have to write a blog with 6 weird facts/things/habits about yourself, saying who tagged you. In the end you need to choose the 5 people to be tagged and list their names.

#1. I cannot take caffeine. It makes me bounce off the walls and drive everyone else up it. One slim can of Nescafe latte is enough to get me giggling and jumping.

#2. I drink, no I chug, water like I'm suffering from dehydration every waking moment.

#3. I sing, loudly and off key, in the bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, living room, whenever I'm stressed.

#4. Bananas makes me constipate ALOT. And the thing is, I ADORE bananas. What a predicament. It does good to my bowel movements.

#5. I have never watched a single horror flick in my life, and I'm not intending to.

#6. When its pouring buckets, thunders cracking and the winds are howling outside, I love to tuck the mattress just beside my full length window, sunggle up in my quilt, holding a cup of steaming something, watch and laugh at those poor things struggling against the weather outside. I derive great pleasure from this form of people-watching, heavens knows why.

And now, y'all know all my dirty deeps and are probably howling with laughter right now; Rhys, Adri, Shan, Eils and LeRaine shall have the pleasure. Y'all are officially tagged. (: