Friday, August 26, 2005

bloody shambles,
thats the state of my mathematically-declined mind when im welcomed home by a abhorrent pile of mathematics prelim practice papers.

BAH. ):

biology prelims practical was horrible.
i was traumatized, i may never look at a fish in the same way again.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

some people never cease to amaze me, truly.

I was at woodlands library, picking out materials t keep me happy during the rainy days, when i overheard this conversation between an evergreen secondary school girl and presumably her boyfriend who is dressed in pink puremilk ( good lord, he must be mighty confident of his masculinity ) and jeans. his hair seemed t be frozen, with every possible strand defying the law of gravity. I believe that if I ever attempt to hover a balloon near his crown, the explosion might distrupt the serenity of the place. ( His significant other was no better, her eyes veiled by her unnaturally straight haair, it makes one wonder if its safe for her to walk alone without killing herself. )

but lets run along now,

girl : eh, this girl very chio hor?
( they were pouring over an old issue of seventeen )
boy : ok only la.
girl : ( pouting, shoves the boy lightly ) dont pretend la, she chio right?
boy : ( smirking ) where got you so chio?

[ for people who do not understand twits language, what he meant was , " She is not as pretty as you " ]

girl : ( trying hard not preen but failing miserably ) no la, talk cock ! dun anyhow say !
boy : really la! you so chio ! i sumpa...

[ sumpa apparently means swear ]

girl : [ smiling like a viper ] then i ask you horr, me or xiaoling more chio?

[ xiaoling should be a fellow friend of hers whose looks she was apparently jealous of ]

boy : you la !
girl : ( trying not to preen like a peacock but yet failing once again ) you anyhow say de! i where got chio-er then xiaoling?
boy : (nodding in earnest now) got ! got !
girl : ( her head looks almost too big for her now ) bluff !
boy : ( seemed to have given up ) ok lorr. bluff de.
girl : (smile vanished) really arh?
boy : aiyo, dont know la.
girl : ( a pout that would have made Ms.Jolie proud ) ok lor.

blessed silence descends upon my ears once more.

i wonder what was it that girl really wanted?
my condolences to her boyfriend.

Friday, August 19, 2005

if you play maple story, you will have an inkling about what im talking about.

to see an adorable bambi-eyed female character in a land of cute axe-stumps and bouncy little mushrooms, ruining the pretty palette of innocence and whimsicality of the game by sprouting a coarse air bubble.

"chee bye la"
" dun ks la"
"tok cork"
"nt happi ask ppl beat me larz"

it seemed oddly out of place next t monsters who looked like my plushies standing on my table.

comic-relief, anyone?

Thursday, August 18, 2005

happy birthday.

almost imperceptibly, it flickered out.
melted wax and pulpy frosting,
melded into unregconizable clumps,
dotted the surface of the redundantly fancy confection.

asleep, little cone cap knocked askew.
painstakingly arranged hair wrecked by hours gone by.
a palette of gloss and blush, defaced by tears.
comically tagic scene, does such makes.

a card, laced trimmed production of three days,
whsipers of sentiments and unwavering promises,
speaks of her faithful devotion
clutched in her hand,
an almost vice-like grip.

the kitchen clock strikes three
he arrived,
amid drunken laughters and helpless giggles.
key clumsily shoved into lock, twisting.
a solitary ray fell across the room
she woke up and blinked,
focusing, and taking in,
what stood on her beloved's doorstep.

he wasn't alone.

Monday, August 08, 2005

she knew, all along
his eyes burning the most delightful warmth
leaving a mark that cannot be seen
all the facade, all the pretense,
this superb act, marvelous preformance for the rest of the unaware world.
stripped away, bare in every sense
as they met each other eyes, boy to girl.

mesmerizing, captivating.
this one precious moment of beautiful magic,
was the refuge from the pain she seek.
chemistry and common sense, one confusing tangle.

a shout, distrupt this timeless bound
as both broke away from the spell that held them captive
without a word, without a sound
they slip back into thier masks, expressionless and brief
back to the routines of their lives,
back to their mutual ignorance,

their magic momentarily dies, however,
knowing and anticipating
thier next game of this inexplicable love.

after tuesday, macdonald's would finally stop its infernal playing of the national day's MTV over and over again.


Saturday, August 06, 2005


while she loves her cadbury and worries over what major to take,
her innocence painfully endearing.

another prowls the street, and spread her legs
her only worries are pregnancy and AIDs

you sympathise,
but do you empathise?