Sunday, January 29, 2006

Courtesy Of PostSecret

PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail-in their secrets anonymously on one side of a homemade postcard

You'll be suprised at the scandals you can read.
So hot I cant repeat it here. (:

So go on!
Go get scandalized!

Saturday, January 28, 2006


The Eve Of Lunar New Year.

In a few hours, I'll be down at TanglinHalt. Breathing in the smell of deep-frying, medicated oil and the musty scent that always linger around old apartments and yellowed novels.

Little tots will be running around, brandishing toy guns that emit beeps that are too loud, making manuvering around the already cramped space an ardous task, requring the swiftness and agility of a ballerina. Bored adolescents like me will be lounging around, mp3 earphones plugged into ears, blissfully oblivious to the croonings of the adults when a newborn baby is in the vicinity. All of us wishing, to be downing absolut vodka or ketel one instead of the bright yellow Yeo's packaged drink we were handed, while our fingers skilfully texting messages to fellow bored friends at their respective renuion dinners.

Or at least, I will be.

Fake-Gucci bags toting, velvet pants clad aunties will be conversing cheerily with (real) Hermes bags toting, Chanel clad wives/mothers. Age barrier regardless, there will always be topics woman can talk about. Like how the Singapore Sale is coming soon, ( regardless how the auntie will be snatching capris in John Little while the Career women will be waited hand and foot at the Paragon. ) and how so and so celebrity has slimmed so suspiciously fast while another had gained a disgraceful amount of weight. And so on and on...

While the men would be at the other corner, talking about the latest gadget in techonology and sleek fast cars, when all of the middle-aged fathers drive a Toyota or a Honda, while the new fathers and husbands are in proud possession of the latest Renault or Peugeot. Than on to the political side, as the male gender get all revved up talking about the Grand Election and The NKF saga, Self-righteous opinions and Holier-than-thou demeanour would start to show. However, in conclusion, all the males would nod their balding heads and agree PAP is still the best, because they painted their HDB blocks for free and allowed the Crazy Horse to perform in Singapore. Being males, they would not have the stamina we females have for gossiping, and would gradually recede into newspapers and the 7'oclock movie showing on Channel 5.

Its lovely to see how people of so different backgrounds can still get along so fabulously well.
Ah well, Family will always be family. In-laws or otherwise.
It was always the same, year after year. It was an annual routine, the topics hardly diverting to another other, the food hardly changing.
However, I look forward to every year's, the same routine, the same food, the same people. What with all the horrors happening in other parts of the world, it was deeply assuaging to know that some things never change, and will always provide the same comfort, the same safety. You ask for excitement in life, yes, but one needs stability too.

Once dinner was over, everyone would settle back, carnal appetities satiated, but for the woman, the hunger for more scandal and gossip would be growling, as they resumed from where they had left off.

Both men and children will be mesmerized by movies playing on telelvison, conversations were unnecessary. When the credits finally roll, the older will gradually nod off, the aftermath of the heavy dinner taking its toll, while the younger played java games on their parents phones, furiously jabbing keys, the competitive level rising.

Us bored angsty teens? Still wishing for the Absolut and Ketel one, while effortlessly texting messages across Singapore.

Happy chinese new year, everyone.

Thursday, January 26, 2006


Initially, I detested IJ.
I fretted everyday about going to school, and schemed to get out of it.

But life has a way of turning eveything on you.

Now I can sing like a duck and dance like a cow, in front of my beloved o623A.
You guys remember my signature song? HAHA. Eileen loves to hear it, Lisda runs away from it. My dears, Val & Hui crack up eveyime I started to warble.

It was the simple things that you remember.

Hui packing my bag for me when Im in the toilet. Getting icecream and cookies together. Booking the "chalet" and going insane inside. Dancing in the toilet with Val. Scaring the toilet auntie with our antics. Dancing EVERYWHERE with Val. Stealing leaves and feeding them to Hui. Us singing all the way to CWP.

Valerie, Meihui.
My crazy kakis. HAHA, we are always on high everyday, everytime. Be it over a centipede, my laughter, the poor trees Hui abused, or Val's AWFUL STUPID EXPRESSION. I love the way Val can sing right along with me, christmas songs, indian songs or whatsoever. I love how we always crack Hui up.

Valerie, MeiHui, PeiShan.
MY FAMILY! Haha, Peishan my lovely daughter, Valerie my unfaithful husband and Meihui our household domestic pet. WAHAH. Lets go crazy soon again alright?

Kim, XueLi, Eileen, Peiyu, Lisda, Kairyn and everyone else. Love to you too.

I dont love IJ. But I certainly adore you people and the rest of 0623A. I really hope we can get together after the first three months. I really do. (:

Monday, January 23, 2006

Quattro, Quatre, Cuatro?

4 Jobs you had in your life.

1. A daughter
2. A student
3. A friend
4. A Compaq Desktop Promoter @ the Nov'o5 Sitex show.

4 movies you could watch over and over.

1. A walk to Remember
2. Disney Cinderella
3. Sleeping Beauty
4. Beauty & The beast.

( Im childhood deprived. So sue me. )

4 Places you Lived.

1. Great aunt's house when I was a toddler and Mom&Dad were high flying whosoever.
2. Bukit Batok
3. Woodlands
4. Unity Secondary school. ( It was a second home. )

4 TV shows you love(d) to Watch.

1. Tom & Jerry
2. Pokemon & Power Rangers.
3. Charmed
4. Desperate Housewives

4 Places you've Been on Vacation.

1. Australia
2. Thailand
3. Port.Dickson(Msia)
4. Sentosa (:

4 Websites you visited daily.

2. Rants Of A Waiter
3. Friends' blogsites.
4. A Beautiful Revolution

4 Of your favourite Food.

1. Sambal Stingray
2. Sambal Kangkong
3. The Boney Cake from N.Y.D.C
4. Neighbour (Aunt Anna's) cooking. Heavenly, and so bleeding healthy too.

4 Places you would rather be.

1. Not in school
2. Australia.
3. Port Dickson
4. With loved ones.

4 Tagged

They should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves. Tsktsk.

Friday, January 13, 2006


I might not be updating for awhile.

Need new materials, worthy of a post.
Nothing inspires me now.

Stay loyal.

Monday, January 09, 2006


I felt like I have to write something to keep this alive. Although I do not feel like writing anything and all I want is you guys to tag me but in order for you people to tag me, I have to write something even though I am most certainly not in the mood to write anything. but still i want you guys to write something in the Haloscan so I have to write some thing in order to let you people tag something. ALTHOUGH I dont feel like writing anything and couldnt think of anything to write of.


Tuesday, January 03, 2006


"Its your 1st day, naturally it wont turn out so great."

"It will get better."

"This is something you should have expected."

"Give it time..."


I hate it at IJ. Don't preach me. I just want to rant.

Bugger. Pfffah.

I MISS USS people.
