Saturday, January 06, 2007

Right out of mouth

"A papercut, small as it is, if you think about it, is the most annoying and painful thing in the world. Maybe because paper is technically not supposed to harm you. When you do get hurt by things that are not supposed to hurt you, it fucking hurts. It's some sort of betrayal, perhaps. And its the same with all small things. Sometimes the smaller the matter, the more it pain it inflicts. Because small wounds can get bigger and fester and sore over time. Because big wounds ARE supposed to hurt. You don't feel it as much. That's what makes the pain from smaller wounds greater in comparison. How many times have you felt hurt just because of a small action from someone you trusted, like asking you to go away, even though the intention to hurt you was not there? Small wounds hurt because other people cannot see them, so they don't know you're hurt. In a way."