Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Because I'm the motherfucking PRINCESS.

I've got a dark alley and a bad idea that says YOU.

And it's five random lines today:
1. I've been shopping myself mad at Marks&Spencer's frequently, buying their insanely sinful cookies for the people around me. Yes, even the pesky little brother.
2. Fixtures for A divisions are out. We're up against Hwa Chong Institute, Pioneer JC, and Meridan JC. Yuhan, we shall meet soon.
3. Godiva's truffles are the SHIT.
4. Happy belated birthday, bestfriend. I LOVE YOU and Holland V soon, baby.
5. Desperate Housewives is back, more horny middle-aged women and random sex on a lonely Monday night for deprived moi.

I cannot seem to write anything of intellectual substance these days, forgive me.