It gets too gruelling to reach in the swirling depths of my mind and simply pull out an emotion or thought and exhibit in words and poetries.
There are days when I step home in a haze of incensed fury, raised agitated fingers above the keyboard and just froze. The smorgasbord of unjustified indiagnations and petty frustrations pounded their fists on the locked door of my weary mind, wanting out. They crave to be liberated and eloquently expressed, they want the public to acknowledge their sufferings and demanded both their empathy and sympathy.
More often than not, all I wanted to do is to plunge into the recesses of my churning fury, and allow the rawest of emotions and thoughts to gush out without being filtered, restructured and moulded into a form which you readers have been reading for the past many months.
Just like this;
" I had a fucking bad day in school. Im so pissed right now. Everything that could go wrong did. Why is this world so fucking unfair? Fuck. Everything is so screwed, Im screwed and screw everybody else too. Every fucking thing is against me. And Im down with a fucking flu. My hair's all messy and my uniform looks like shit. The weather is fucking me up and so are the lectures. Fuck FuCK FUCK. Today suck big fat gooseballs. "
But with the principles to uphold and the standard to maintain, I couldnt allow myself to.
Heaves big sigh.
Sometimes I wish I have a twitsy blog and just write about my day like every "miik00" or "xiia0jenn". But these are just moments of my fleeting mental stability. A few weeks or maybe even days, I will look back at this sentance and probably laugh. But for now, I shall just indulge in the thought.
Till the next time, I'm incoherently yours.