Thursday, July 14, 2005

rose-tinted glasses.

something's not right, knocked askew. This sense of consternation is tainting my concentration with disturbing black spots, ruining this perfectly painted, flawlessly glossed picture in my mind with dark slashes of disquiet & trepidation.

but WHAT ?

Fluff & whipped cream adorned the surface, everything was seemingly cotton candy sweet. Do i really have to bite the apple to discover the poison, a second too late? Hmming & hawing my way through this entry, my uncertainty is blatantly conspicuous. The alternate pathway down this road is to duck and wait, in anticipation for the explosion yet t come, with a bang, i might add.

If memory serves well, stirring up dispensable trouble is certainly my forte. Though its not something not exactly to flaunt about.

Lets all lay low together,

and wait.