Thursday, June 09, 2005


change's fucking inevitable.

between a rock & a hard place, which would you prefer? pfffhhht, i dont comprehend. why is friendship such a complexity of its own. if you re friends, you re friends. period. do not fucking bitch your heart out abt someone i saw u hanging out with at starbucks the day before, having a jolly hoho-fucking ho of a good time.

you know you re in a fuck of a snitch when both of your great friends absolutely loathe each other. guess who morphed unknownst t herself, into a bitchin' thrashcan?I was skimming over a few blogs, & im compelled t gag when i digested some of the inane&superficial contents of some whom i ve sadly labelled as my "friends" , some whom are close&dear t me, are being bitched&stomped about at other of my dear friend's post. no, she fucking dont deserve it. The way you tried to squash her with your tryingtoofuckinghardtobesofuckingCUTE language, and she didnt even SAY anything about YOU or offended you in the first place. so you heard a few rumours about her or you jst plain didnt like the way she looked, qualified you to what? TEAR HER REPUTATION TO UNFORGIVABLE SHREDS? tsktsk, honestly, shouldnt you hang your tail between your head & be ashamed of yourself?

in the rarest of times, i lamented giving my blogsite to a few people. so im not a good judge of people, i never am and never will. so screw me upside down, but thats the deduction for so many betrayals i ve been dealt with. i ve too much trust in people.

a leopard will never change its fucking spots, and here i thought that the glossy paint job shall hide the ugly scars perpetually.

im so thanking my lucky stars for people like shahril, pricilla, karen, weiping, qiaozhen & jieying. (:
they allowed me to be credulous to trust again.

im antsy & footlose with anticipation for the sixers' chalet. Its going to be a roll lickin' good time, im a happy fuck. (:
plus this is the my virigin chalet, im finally allowed to stay overnight ! and im so nutty happy that my first overnight will be with my sixers darlings. ((((((((: