Thursday, September 07, 2006


My apartment rests on the ninth floor and we share it with three other apartments. The one in front of mine is always locked and dusty, the daily newspapers accumulating on the doorstep until one fine day when the busboy finally gave up and stopped distributing any to that particular gate. Two other apartment lies on the opposite side, us and them seperated by the elevators. Each has a couple of kids, and i'm ashamed to say i'm not certain how many. But what I know is that the apartment the same side as ours has a small boy, not over the age of five. And the other houses a young girl, i'm guessing around six or seven. And these two young ones seem to share a special relationship. (:

Every noon, both of them lug their collection of toys to their respective gates and sit there for hours, yelling cheerfully across to each other, showing off new toys and envying each others'. Their laughters often heard, and distance regardless, they frequently role-played their toys in their many skits and fantasies. I've heard the cowboy one, the air-stewardess one and the batman fighting spiderman one already. The girl often teaches the younger boy the philosophies of life, of how you should always pick the M&Ms in the brown packaging because it contains more than the ones in yellow, and how Winnie the pooh is in reality, Bugs Bunny's long-lost cousin. The boy always listens, enraptured, but often adding in his two cents enthusiastically. This fun lasts for a couple of hours, before their nannies come, nagging at them to take their naps and ending this special playtime for the both of them.

Soon when they both enter primary schools, grow up abit, and make new friends, this little moment they share will be lost, fading into a very very vague memory, and soon, in their teenage years, they will probably forget that they ever knew each other the way they did before, as childhood memories are often the sweetest yet the most fleeting.