I realised,
The JC syllabus is doing horrors to my vocabulary.
It does not encourage creative writing, nor does it requires descriptives/narratives. And heavens know I never fail to butcher my argumentative essays. So it makes compete sense that argumentatives are the main requisite for many subjects in JCs.
I'm writing in an utterly disinteresting, yawn inducing manner. I wont be suprised if yours truly fall asleep halfway through this. The words all oozed together like those sticky summer heat, lumping to form plain obnoxious and juvenile sentences. Writing used to give me a rush, a satisfaction of weaving together words into something beautiful, something compelling to readers, but all it gives now is a big pain in the ass.
So here I am, slouching in an utterly unfeminine manner, tapping incessantly on the table, trying to think of that brillance, that enlightenment to save this entry from being a disgrace to tale-dujour. And naturally, none came. Like one of those bitch of a bus, it never comes when you're waiting for it, but it always arrives when you're half a mile away or with your bag tangled around your feet and your skirt bunched up your hips.
Good Lord.
If this was a job, I'll be fired on the double.