Life's abit like those glossy female magazines you secretly sneaked a peek at when your mother's out grocery shopping when you were 12.
Magazines like CLEO, ELLE, HERWORLD, FEMALE. These magazines seemed to have your life neatly categorzied under many sections. Your fashion phases, when you went through trying to look like a pink fluffball falling under Fashion Don't. Your prom night, falling under a Fashion Do. (For now, at least.) The time when you spilled bubble tea on the MRT and the the pearls went rolling down the aisle and the time when you were running to grab the best shower stall in a co-ed camp and your Hello Kitty panties slip out of your clutch and onto the floor of the crowded hall, all under Embarassing Moments. The many insecurities you harboured the past years, about your figure, about your friends, about your boyfriend(s); it's all in the Q&A and Dear Aunt Kellys.
Imagine, if someone really did made a magazine of your life, wouldn't that make for an interesting read? (: